Hutchinson Island, Florida, USA

This island is in the South of Florida. I had always wanted to go to Florida, and finally, I went there last summer with a friend and her mom. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had.

As my friends are from Michigan, we drove all the way down from there to Florida.

We drove by many states: Ohio, Kentuky, Tennessee and Georgia. It takes almost 24 hours to drive from Michigan to Florida.


I am missing the Ohio Welcome Center picture, but I promise I did take it too ;) Hutchinson Island is not like Miami Beach and those places in Florida. It is a quiet and calm place where you can totally relax, sit in the beach and enjoy the sea, or look for shells. This is what my friend Mariah and I would do in the mornings.


This summer there was a plague of jellyfish and they set the purple flag. I did not know that color represented the danger of jellyfish and sharks in the sea.

And, OF COURSE, if you go to Florida you have to visit Disney World. It is in Orlando.



So this was my trip to Hutchinson Island, and these are the two people that made this experience unforgettable!!

I designed the drawing of the shirts and hand-made them :P

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2 thoughts on “Hutchinson Island, Florida, USA

  1. carlos

    Me encanta Miami sol playa salsa y todo lo relacionado a ese lugar¡¡

  2. Alguna vez tendré que ir :)

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